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FM 1960 Animal Hospital


The Houston veterinary team at FM 1960 Animal Hospital loves to see your pet smile! Keep your pet’s smile healthy with regular dental care at FM 1960 Animal Hospital.

Keep Your Pets Smiling with Excellent Dental Care

The Houston veterinary team at FM 1960 Animal Hospital loves to see your pet smile! Keep your pet’s smile healthy with regular dental care at FM 1960 Animal Hospital. Your pet’s oral health is just as important as the rest of their health. As an American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA) accredited practice, we are fully equipped to offer a range of dental and periodontal services to local pets. We work hard to make sure your pet stays smiling for many years to come.

Periodontal Disease & Your Pet

Periodontal disease is the most common disease found in cats and dogs. Often overlooked, this disease can start out virtually undetectable but quickly progress to cause your pet pain, infection, and even loss of teeth. Periodontal disease is the infection of the tissues that hold your pet’s teeth in place. It is caused by an excessive buildup of plaque on the teeth. As plaque dries, it hardens and creates more surfaces for new plaque to build up. This accumulation can spread below the gum line, which can cause infection and tooth loss. Without treatment, periodontal disease can lead to permanent damage to your pet’s teeth and jaw.

Symptoms of periodontal disease can include:

  • Unusually bad breath

  • Excessive drooling

  • Difficulty eating

  • Bloody saliva or blood in the water dish

If you notice your pet is exhibiting any combination of the above symptoms, give your Houston veterinarian a call! We’ll get your pet back on the right track to a healthy mouth.

Professional Dental Cleaning at FM 1960 Animal Hospital

Once the periodontal disease progresses to the point of infection, the only way to completely remove the plaque from your pet’s teeth and restore their oral health is through professional dental cleaning. For pets, this means cleaning under anesthesia. Our veterinary team is fully equipped to handle dental cleanings in our state-of-the-art surgical suite. As an AAHA accredited animal hospital, we have sophisticated anesthesia monitoring equipment on site to keep your pet safely monitored throughout their cleaning. We will use tools similar to those used by human dentists to scale the plaque from your pet’s teeth and then polish them up to a clean shine. Once your pet’s teeth are plaque-free, we’ll apply an anti-plaque treatment to your pet’s teeth to help deter future buildup.

After your pet’s smile is healthy again, we’ll help you learn how to care for your pet’s teeth at home. Maintenance is key to keeping your pet smiling for years!